Frequently Asked Questions
What steps do I need to complete before I can submit my OFCAF application?
I want to apply for 2024 funding. Do I need to start a new application?
How do I provide an aerial photo of my land?
existing fences and proposed fences in different colours or another easily distinguishable way.
current water sources and proposed water distribution.
Are application templates available?
How do I know if my application has been reviewed/approved?
Is there a maximum amount of funding that is available to implement BMPs on my farm?
What is the cost-share ratio for the funding for the OFCAF program?
Can multiple payments be made for one OFCAF application?
Our Application Process provides a detailed step-by-step guide of what needs to be completed prior to submitting your OFCAF application.
Yes. Whether or not you've received OFCAF funding in the past, due to updated program terms, all applicants are required to submit new applications for 2024.
Aerial photos can come from sources such as GeoDiscover Alberta or Google Earth.
Please identify:
Use the Guide to Locating and Labeling BMP Action Plans when labeling your Action Plan.
Yes. Templates are available for all BMPs.
RDAR is committed to transparency in our process. Once your application has been started in ARGO, you will receive notifications from ARGO as your application moves through our review and approval stages. Check your email regularly as automated emails will be sent from ofcaf.bmp@rdar.ca.
Yes. Applicants are eligible to receive funding for multiple projects to a maximum grant payment of $75,000 over OFCAF’s duration from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025. This maximum includes cumulative activity across all BMP streams and activities.
Applicants must pay for 100% of the upfront costs with no payment for in-kind. Applicants are required to submit invoices and proof of payment for all eligible BMPs. Minimum project costs are $2,500, and maximum of $75,000. All OFCAF payments will be considered as taxable income.
Applicants are eligible for a maximum 85% reimbursement of eligible cash expenditures across the three activity categories. This means your outlay is 15% of the cost of adopting a BMP.
No. The program will make one payment per each OFCAF application. One final payment will be made after the Final Report is submitted in ARGO, and all proof of payments have been reviewed against what was deemed eligible in the approved project.
Forms & Guides
Webinars & Tutorials
The On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) team supports producers in adopting sustainable practices on-farm.