Our Strategy

The agricultural landscape is constantly evolving. Our strategy provides the guardrails that focus our investments on the most important issues agriculture faces.

Building an even stronger industry

RDAR's strategy describes how we anticipate and respond to the realities for food, agriculture and agribusiness, while scaling the impact research has in the industry.

Read it here.

Journey to 2027

How we're different

RDAR's strategy outlines a relentless drive to develop and invest in outcome-driven projects that will contribute to increased farm cash receipts, increased value-added investment, and an increase in agri-food employment.

We accelerate adoption of innovations on farm by mandating that each funded project includes a detailed plan on how results will be shared with its target audience and how it will go that Final Mile to the farm gate.

We cannot do this alone.

We collaborate with various partners to create opportunities, resolve issues, and generate innovations that benefit people, plants, animals, and the environment.


How we'll reach our goals

  1. Eye on Profitability

    Without profits, we're not sustainable. We challenge each project to show economic benefit for the agri-food value chain before we invest.

  2. Comprehensive Sustainability

    We define industry sustainability as being economically, environmentally, and socially resilient. RDAR's work supports sustainable practices to reduce any harmful elements and maximize beneficial practices.

  3. Partnerships

    RDAR is part of an integrated industry which is stronger through partnerships. We collaborate with various stakeholders, and encourage collaboration within projects. Ideally, each project will include a producers or processor, so that results are realistic and may be adopted.

    We establish industry advisory groups to recommend priorities and focus area where investments may have the greatest positive impact.

  4. Govern with Integrity

    We are accountable to Albertans to invest public funds prudently. Through transparent investment processes and regular reporting, we build trust among stakeholders.

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