Project Selection Process

We support research that delivers results, can be put into action by farmers, and makes a tangible impact.

Growing Big Ideas

Balancing a Project Portfolio

We select projects that form a portfolio, which all together, achieves economic, environmental and social outcomes. The portfolio is designed around producer-identified priorities, and balanced against Alberta's economic drivers.

We understand that research takes time, and results may not provide an immediate impact. RDAR's portfolio represents a mix of projects: some may be commercially available in the short term; others will take longer to be adopted in the market.

Advancing adoption of research results RDAR’s core business. We select projects based on what’s important to our producers, industry partners, and what’s needed by in local and international markets.

  1. 1

    Set research priorities

    We regularly scan the horizon for urgent and emergent issues affecting the agricultural value chain. We engage producers, processors, industry experts, scientists, and policy makers to validate, set, and adjust research priorities. Our current research priorities are aligned with the objectives in the Strategic Framework.

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    Call for proposals

    RDAR's model provides applicants with different avenues to access funding. Whether continuous intake, a targeted call to meet urgent and/or emergent issues, or as a coordinated industry call, RDAR's focus is to find the projects that meet producers' priorities. Interested applicants are encouraged to review eligibility criteria to see whether the call is a fit for their interests.

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    Draft project proposal

    Interested and eligible applicants are encouraged to draft a proposal, and submit it through ARGO, RDAR's online submission portal. To increase chances of success, RDAR encourages applicants to contact a Research Program Officer (RPO) to discuss your project proposed research and ensure your proposal is research-ready.

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    Proposal review

    Submitted proposals are reviewed for alignment, priority, and anticipated impact. RDAR adheres to a rigorous review process: the first review is completed within RDAR. Then, by an external reviewers, especially if the project is complex. Since RDAR's first call, 380 expert reviewers were engaged to provide feedback on submitted proposals.

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    Approval or Decline

    Once reviewers have submitted their recommendations, the RPOs prepare to submit the review to the appropriate approval level based on the amount being asked. Depending on the recommendation and the approver's decision, applicants for funding are either approved or declined.

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    Grant Agreement

    An approved project applicant will enter into a grant agreement with RDAR, which establishes the terms of funding. Upon the agreement's execution, we work together to ensure the project is as successful as possible!

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