Funding Opportunity

Producer Research and Evaluation Program

Funding Details

Investment: $1,000,000

The Producer Research and Evaluation Program (PREP) was created to support on-farm research allowing producers to evaluate emerging technologies, products, and production practices.

On-farm research will support new strategies to be tested within unique farm conditions and to support decision making with data advancing profitability, competitiveness, and sustainability.

The maximum total funding available for the Program is $1M in 2024.

About the Call

Program Information

The PREP program will provide up to $20,000 per project to complete on-farm research that supports the evaluation of whether a production practice change is feasible on-farm. The program will enable producers to gain sufficient data to make informed decisions and understand how to further adapt a production practice.

In most cases, producers are expected to be working with third-party service providers to support the project trial, delivery, and analysis. Proposals are required to contain a sound project design and testing approach that will support the evaluation of whether a production practice has a positive return on investment and is a favourable change for the farm.


The Details

Before you apply

Please review the content below before you apply for answers around eligibility, funding considerations, project timelines, proposal evaluations and reporting requirements.

Eligible Applicants

Funding will be available to eligible and qualified applicants from, or under contract with, organizations that directly and/or indirectly participate in the service and development of the Alberta livestock or crop industry, provided that such organizations are in good standing and not in default under any other agreements or programs with RDAR. 

Eligible applicants for the PREP program are primary producers that meet the following criteria: 

  • Operating in Alberta;

  • Responsible for input costs for a crop or livestock operation that produces at least $25,000 in annual farm cash receipts; and

  • Responsible for the day-to-day management and work on the farm; but does not include a landlord whose only interest in the crop or livestock operation is ownership of the land.

Eligible Activities

  • On-farm research trials and evaluation that includes sufficient data collection to evaluate the impact of the production practice or technology tested within the project; and

  • Testing or evaluating emerging technology and/or farming practices.

Eligible Expenses

  • Costs associated with third-party service providers, agronomists, veterinarians, professional agrologists, certified crop advisors, and technical consultants; and

  • Cost of materials, supplies, and equipment rentals directly required for the project (maximum of $10,000 per project).

Funding Eligibility

  • Up to $20,000 in funding is available per proposal.

  • Successful proposals will be cost-shared to a maximum of 80% grant and 20% Eligible Applicant on invoiced expenses.

  • Funding received through other Sustainable CAP programs may not be used toward the cost-share requirements of the Program.

  • Only successful applications to RDAR will be eligible for funding under the Program.

    Please note that all receipts, invoices, and proof of payments must be under your legal entity/organization name (if applicable). Expenses cannot be processed if invoices and proof of payments are under a different name than the applicant name.

Proposal Evaluation

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following assessment criteria:

  • Alignment with the purpose of the Program;

  • The project answers a research question with a measurable, reportable, and verifiable outcome or impact to inform the Applicant, and other Alberta producers;

  • The emergent and potential nature of the project;

  • The project timelines are achievable and appropriate;

  • Adoption potential of the innovation by other producers;

  • The opportunity for the proposal results to be presented to other producers, and;

  • Budget items are clear and justified.

Ineligible Expenses

  • Equipment eligible under the following programs, available through Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation via the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership:

    • Farm Technology Program:

      • If you’re looking for funding that supports adoption of innovative technology that minimizes agricultural waste and optimizes farm efficiency, or funding that supports producers in their efforts to secure business assets by encouraging the adoption of best management practices in farm security, you might be eligible for funding under the Farm Technology Program.

    • Water Program

      • If you’re looking for funding for on-farm irrigation system purchases or upgrades, you might be eligible for funding under the Water Program.

    • Efficient Grain Handling Program:

      • If you’re looking for funding that supports the purchase of grain handling system components that significantly improve energy efficiency over standard practices, you may be eligible for funding under the Efficient Grain Handling Program.

    • Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP):

      • If you’re looking for funding that supports producers in conserving and enhancing the environmental resiliency of their agricultural landscapes, you might be eligible for funding under the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program.

  • Implementation of beneficial management practices (BMPs) that are currently supported through the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF);

  • Goods and Service Tax (GST), Provincial Sales Tax (PST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST);

  • Costs of in-kind contributions; and

  • Costs incurred outside of the Project Term

Funding from RDAR must be acknowledged on appropriate signs, stickers, posters, publications, and press releases associated with the project. The Applicant will be granted permission to use RDAR's name and logo when acknowledging RDAR's contribution to the project. The use of RDAR's name and logo must comply with RDAR's Grant Communications Guide.


Application Process

The PREP Program is currently open and accepting application submissions via ARGO.

ARGO (Agriculture Research Grant Organizer) is RDAR’s grant management system. To apply to the PREP Program in ARGO, select ‘Producer Research and Evaluation Program'.

If you have any questions about the PREP Program or require application assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to RDAR at We are here to assist you.

  1. 1

    Visit ARGO

    Go to the ARGO web page through your internet browser. Click the "Register" button.

    If you've applied for funding in the past, visit our FAQ for a tip on registering so you can receive application emails all in one place.

    If you prefer to follow along with a video tutorial, you can view our application tutorial on YouTube.

  2. 2

    Register for the PREP Program

    Select the “Producer Research and Evaluation Program - PREP” registration option.

  3. 3

    Fill out the PREP contact information page

    Please note, it is important to add your corporation name (if applicable) in your contact information if you are planning to use your corporation name on receipts, invoices and proof of payments.

  4. 4

    Verify your ARGO email and password

    Once you have received your ARGO login email and created a password for your account, login to your account. At the top of the page, select “Funding Opportunities”.

    Next, Select “Apply Now” for the “Producer Research and Evaluation Program - PREP” from the list. On the next page, click “Proceed”.

  5. 5

    Complete and submit your application

    Work to complete the PREP application questions. When finished, please submit your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply to the PREP program if I have previously submitted an application to OFCAF?

Yes. Applicants that have previously submitted an application through the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) will need to submit their application for the Producer Research and Evaluation Program (PREP) under a different email/login.

Tip: your existing email address can be used with the addition of “+PREP” to avoid creating a new email. You will still receive email correspondence to your original email address using this method.

Example: You submitted your OFCAF application under the email address To apply to PREP, you would use the email address in your application. This way, you will receive correspondence to your original email address ( without having to create a new email address.

Where do I go for help?

If you have any questions about the PREP Program Irrigation or require application assistance, please contact RDAR at Please ensure you read the PREP Program Guidelines for full details of eligible and ineligible expenses/activities before applying.