Why is this research important for Alberta ag?
Most soils in Alberta are deficient in soil-test phosphorus, and this macronutrient typically limits crop growth and yield. Furthermore, canola requires large amounts of phosphorus and sulphur to achieve an average seed yield of 2520 kg ha-1. The Canola Council of Canada recommends 17 to 22 kg/ha of P205 and 12 kg sulphate per ha for maximum yield. However, data in the prairies suggested that high yielding canola cultivars required 67-84 kg P205 ha-1 and 30 kg ha-1 to maximize yield.
Farmers need to adjust their fertilizer rates accordingly to achieve yield potential and maintain soil fertility. Although Canola Council cautions that applying ammonium sulphate (AS) in the seed row along with monoammonium phosphate (MAP) can increase seedling toxicity and reduce final seed yield, limited data exist on the recommended rates of P and S on hybrid canola. Therefore, this study aims to validate and provide guidelines by varying the rates of these nutrients within the current recommendations on plant stands, yield and the economics of each level of use on high yielding canola.
What benefits can producers expect from this research?
This research will provide value for canola producers and the agribusiness sector as a whole. Fertilizers are the main input cost for a canola crop, so fertilizer use must be optimized for farmers to maximize returns. By varying the rates of P and S within the current recommendations that maximized yield of hybrid canola and the economics will enable farmers to make efficient use of fertilizers to increase production and profit.
How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?
This research will be included in field day tours and progress will be shared with producers at field days and in-person talks. Results will also be documents in annual reports, newsletters, and published on Alberta Canola's website.
Funded in part by the Government of Canada under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.