Why is this research important for Alberta ag?
The Canadian plant-based protein industry is in prime position to dominate the world market, with global industry valuation anticipated to hit $180B by 2035. However, there is an imperative need to demonstrate uptake of products manufactured from Alberta pulses and grains to companies across North America.
This project addresses this need by developing pre-competitive formulations of fermented, pulse-based, flavour ingredients using Alberta grown pulses and grains. These ingredients will be similar to miso, a common ingredient in Asia, but offer additional value-propositions of being allergen-free and gluten-free.
The development of miso alternatives will benefit companies developing new savoury food products and support consumer pull for these products and flavours by demonstrating novel ingredient usage in food applications. This is timely with the explosion of plant-based meat products on the market and the need to find suitable plant-based ingredients that deliver savourinees or umami while maintaining an allergen-free ingredient composition.
What benefits can producers expect from this research?
This project will create a new outlet for commodity crop translation into value-added food ingredients and highlight the market opportunity for alternative-miso products/and or novel flavour ingredients in North America.
How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?
Presentations will be made to relevant industry organizations and economic development organizations through Food Product Demonstration Days. Findings will also be published through a variety of outlets like Conversation Canada, The International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, and more. A white paper will be developed with research findings.