Technology transfer ecosystem to support innovation adoption in the Alberta poultry industry

Project Details

Status: Completed
Investment: $400,000
Commodity: Chicken
Organization: University of Alberta
Investigator: Martin Zuidhof

Transformation of the poultry industry is accelerated through innovation adoption. Whether new-to-market or standard technologies and processes, the application of best management practices are critical for success.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

Developing a structure to systematically transfer information and processes from the lab to a commercial operation is a critical factor for innovation. This is especially challenging in a non-standardized environment like the poultry industry where each part of the supply chain is independently owned and operated by multiple stakeholders.

Transformation of the poultry industry is accelerated through innovation adoption. Whether new-to-market or standard technologies and processes, the application of best management practices are critical for success.

This project proposes to develop effective understanding of critical process parameters to transfer information and processes, thereby creating a tech transfer ecosystem.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

This research supports the Alberta poultry industry vision of continuous improvement and transformation. A tech transfer ecosystem will support the industry in becoming a high-impact, multi-stakeholder collaboration generating real world solutions.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

This project will employ a multi-faceted approach to bridge the gap between controlled research and on-farm practice change.

Funded in part by the Government of Canada under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

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