Reducing beef production costs through swathgrazing complex forage-mixtures during winter in Alberta

Project Details

Status: Completed
Investment: $291,539
Commodity: Forage/Grassland
Organization: Lakeland College
Investigator: Obioha Durunna

Among soil-health benefits, there is an opportunity to use forage-mixes to reduce nutritional imbalances and supplementation costs in beef operations during winter.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

The competitiveness of the Alberta beef industry will be enhanced by adequate feed during the winter which can account for the majority of variable costs in beef operations. The forages my not be nutritionally adequate from a single-source. Supplementation programs are sometimes needed during this period to ensure the diet supplied meets the nutrient requirements of cattle.

Among soil-health benefits, there is an opportunity to use forage-mixes to reduce nutritional imbalances and supplementation costs in beef operations during winter. Researchers will work with a forage-seed company and producer cooperators to create a blend, with proven cover crops, that meets the nutrient requirement for growing cattle while considering the soil and environmental conditions.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

This research will bring benefits to the livestock industry, particularly beef producers with the cow-calf sector and backgrounding sectors that engage in grazing systems. The information generated from this research will also help the crop-input (forage-seed) providers about related outcomes and will develop a new blend that targets performance outcomes, which will increase the competitiveness of the beef industry.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

Research will take place on a producer's farm, which will present a huge opportunity to showcase the strategy to other producers in the area. Results will also be presented at industry events, in the form of factsheets, and through field tours. They will also be shared on social media and various outreach events.

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