Plot2Farm – Farmer executed on-farm research to increase best management practices adoption and understanding through demonstration and facilitation-based extension

Project Details

Status: Active
Investment: $350,000
Commodity: Barley, Wheat
Organization: Alberta Grains
Investigator: Jeremy Boychyn

The Plot2Farm program aims to increase awareness and adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in Alberta and western Canada's agriculture sector through on-farm demonstrations and educational outreach.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

This project, Plot2Farm, is distinctive in its approach and implementation. While on-farm trial projects are not new, the unique structure and comprehensive partner inclusion of Plot2Farm sets it apart and amplifies its potential for industry impact.

The cornerstone of Plot2Farm's uniqueness is its focus on custom and pre-made protocols. These are designed with flexibility to meet the varying operational needs of individual farmers, not just in theory but in practice. This adaptability drives the project's relevancy, enhancing the potential for best management practices (BMP) adoption at the farm level.

Plot2Farm's emphasis on sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and best management practices further differentiates it. By prioritizing trials on new varieties, enhanced fertilizer products, and advanced equipment, Plot2Farm is fostering an environment of continuous improvement and sustainable agriculture. This commitment to sustainable practices has the potential to reshape traditional farming methods in the long term. The multi-layered partner approach generates three key value adds to the program:

  • Enhanced farmer program awareness, involvement, and potential BMP adoption

  • Strengthened relationships between commissions, private industry, and public groups, fostering increased awareness and collaboration

  • Increased potential impact of on-farm trial results and farmer mindset of on-farm research, enhancing the overall industry value of BMP and correctly conducted on-farm research

These elements come together to create a unique program that, while complex due to the multiple parties involved, leverages that complexity to drive change and increase BMP adoption, research awareness, and industry cohesion through Plot2Farm. Despite being unique in its approach, Plot2Farm's design allows for scalability and could serve as a model for similar initiatives in other regions, thereby extending its potential impact.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

  1. Increased awareness and adoption of best management practices (BMPs) and new, proven technologies, for wheat and barley in western Canada by both farmers and agronomists.

    Through the implementation and testing of BMPs in on-farm trials, and with a strong focus on extension and new technologies, Plot2Farm aims to heighten awareness of the results of BMP practices. We anticipate a boost in the visibility and discussion surrounding BMPs, along with a better understanding of their potential impacts on farming operations. Plot2Farm aims to involve all industry partners (private, producer, public) and ensure each group is invested in the program's short- and long-term objectives. This collaboration is expected to extend into the communication of the program's results within each group's network. For example, line companies and private agronomists might share their results and experiences with other farmers and agronomists. This shared responsibility and mutual interest are vital to the program's success.

    2. Facilitation-based extension provides farmers and agronomists with a framework for conducting ideal on-farm trials.

    Often, products and practices are tested through field comparisons or by splitting fields. Such comparisons may lead to farmers and agronomists receiving inconclusive or misleading results, potentially resulting in the adoption of non-beneficial practices, or vice versa. Increasing awareness of an accessible on-farm research program will demonstrate a reliable framework that farmers can refer to before adopting agronomic practices that may not have been validated through small plot research. This renewed methodology for adopting agronomic BMPs through facilitation extension will bolster the potential for education and adoption of BMPs in Alberta and western Canada.

    3. Increased ability to close the research continuum through communication and engagement with Western Canadian agricultural researchers.

    As more Plot2Farm trials are conducted, the compiled data will enable more robust feedback to researchers regarding how BMP recommendations affect farm agronomics and profitability. This feedback loop, in turn, strengthens the research continuum.

    With the objective of carrying out 16-18 trials per year over three years, the program directly engages 16-18 farmers. Through extension programs and speaking events, each trial could potentially reach hundreds of farmers and agronomists, thus amplifying the program's impact on the adoption of BMPs.

    The extension of information developed from the Plot2Farm research trials is a fundamental piece of the Plot2Farm project. The results, information, and relationships formed through Plot2Farm trials provide the framework to allow an increased depth of discussion as well as more opportunity for developing awareness surrounding the values of BMP adoption.

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