Monitoring alfalfa weevil adult movement in alfalfa grown for seed in Alberta

Project Details

Status: Completed
Investment: $132,690
Commodity: Alfalfa
Organization: University of Alberta
Investigator: Maya Evenden

Feeding activity of alfalfa weevil significantly reduces yield in alfalfa grown for seed.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

This project aims to determine adult alfalfa weevil movement patterns and the cues and conditions that facilitate dispersal in and around seed alfalfa fields throughout the growing season in Alberta.

While in other parts of its invasive range, alfalfa weevil move our of fields in mid summer during a period of summer diapause known as aestivation, this has not been the case in prairie provinces. This work aims to determine if and when adult weevils leave and enter alfalfa seed fields.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

This project will address an important problem facing alfalfa producers in the prairie provinces. Feeding activity of alfalfa weevil significantly reduces yield in alfalfa grown for seed.

Knowledge of movement behaviour of this invasive pest and cues that dictate this movement will contribute to development of tools for monitoring and sustainable control.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

Data obtained from all field studies and lab bioassays will be directly conveyed to individual producer collaborators on a per field basis. Alberta alfalfa seed growers will be updated on research findings on weevil movement and orientation as it relates to potential uses for monitoring and weevil control.

Results will be shared in grower magazines, through grower organizations, presentations at field days, and published reports.

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