Further development of a decision support system for aphanomyces root rot of pea and lentil

Project Details

Status: Completed
Investment: $362,700
Commodity: Pulse
Organization: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Lethbridge
Investigator: Syama Chatterton

A modest estimate of 10% yield loss in 40% of pea and lentil fields affected by root rots results in an economic loss of at least $40M for Alberta producers.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

Aphanomyces euteiches represents the single biggest threat to pea and lentil production in the Canadian prairies. 40-50% of pea and lentil fields surveyed were positive for aphanomyces euteiches from 2014 and 2019. This prevalence level increased to 70% in wet years, but was as low as 0-20% in lentils in dry years. A modest estimate of 10% yield loss in 40% of pea and lentil fields affected by root rots results in an economic loss of at least $40M for Alberta producers.

The ability to accurately quantify soil inoculum potential is a preconditions for a decision support system for a soil-borne pathogen, as there will be different management strategies depending on risk associated with different levels of inoculum.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

Development of a decisions support system, based on quantification of oospore levels using rapid diagnostics and combined with new knowledge on soil conditions related to oospore survival, will allow growers to avoid high risk fields and associated economic loss.

Furthermore, it will be the foundation of a best management practice package for mitigating and preventing aphanomyces root rot in pea and lentil.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

Results will be communicated regularly to stakeholders at extensions meetings such as the Alberta Agronomy Update, pulse growers meetings, field days, media articles, and scientific conferences.

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