Why is this research important for Alberta ag?
Investment on fertilizers is a major expense of growers and variable rate (VR) application of N fertilizers could help to optimize their usage. Precision agriculture has gained much importance over the past few years. Hence, major ag service providers are building their own platforms for VR applications of nutrients. However, there are challenges that require in-depth research such as:
optimization of zone delineation,
understanding of agronomic and economic impact of VR nutrient applications at management zone - MZ (subfield) levels, and;
there is urgent need for field scale data to understand how N management, at spatially refined scale and sources (i.e. VR based on the 4R practices - Right Rate, and Right Source) affects wheat and canola productivity and seed quality.
VR application of nutrients based on digital maps has the ability to capture in-field variation and nutrient recommendations to correspond to MZ yield potential.
This research aims to compare five MZ delineation methods to create more robust and stable MZs, increase spatial N use efficiency, and compare relative performance of N recommendations at contrasting MZs. There will be 3 rates (no application, average rate of field, and zone rate) of eNtrench, ESN blended with urea, and urea at contracting MZs. Yield, nutrient uptake, and nutrient use efficiency will be determined, effectively filling knowledge faps for Alberta agriculture.
What benefits can producers expect from this research?
Variable rate application of N fertilizer could optimize N use, improve protein/oil content, yield, and economic return for growers.
How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?
Findings will be shared with universities, Fertilizer Canada, provincial specialists and extension agents, producer associations, and federal research scientists and other stakeholders.
Findings will be presented at regional and international scientific and producer events like association meetings, workshops, and commodity group presentations.
Two scientific papers will be published to peer-reviewed journals.
Presentations and digital media will be used to further disseminate results.