Evaluation of Rapid Forage Nitrate Testing Kits for Cattle Producers in Alberta

Project Details

Status: Active
Investment: $167,590
Commodity: Beef Cattle
Organization: Olds College
Investigator: Laio Sobrinho

Nitrate toxicity in cattle forages is a significant concern for livestock health and productivity in Alberta. Elevated nitrate levels in forages can result from environmental stressors such as drought and frost, leading to a range of adverse outcomes in cattle, from reduced appetite and weight gain to reproductive complications and mortality

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

Traditional lab-based nitrate testing methods, although accurate, are often costly and time-consuming. As a result, many producers are hesitant to engage in frequent forage testing. This project aims to address this gap by incorporating rapid, on-farm nitrate testing as a component within a comprehensive best management practice (BMP) for forage testing.

The project will evaluate the efficacy of a commercially available quick-test kit by comparing its results against those obtained through standard laboratory methods. Various forage samples from across Alberta will be analyzed to ensure that the findings are broadly applicable.

One of the key deliverables of this project is the development of a BMP for forage testing that integrates rapid on-farm nitrate testing as a supplementary tool alongside traditional lab-based methods. Additionally, a decision tree will be created to guide producers in choosing the appropriate testing methods based on specific scenarios, thereby providing a more holistic approach to managing nitrate levels in forages.

In summary, this project seeks to encourage the adoption of rapid on-farm nitrate testing in Alberta. The end goal is to optimize cattle health, reduce economic losses due to nitrate toxicity, and provide a robust framework for managing forage quality, particularly during periods of environmental stress such as droughts.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

Anticipated outcomes of this project are:

  • Identification of accurate, easy-to-use rapid nitrate test suitable for on-farm usage based on validation against standard lab testing. This will provide producers with suitable options for implementing rapid nitrate testing.

  • Increased producer awareness and knowledge on interpreting nitrate test results and adjusting cattle diets through extension materials and workshops. This will lead to a reduced risk of nitrate toxicity.

  • Gathering of producer feedback on the usability of the Horiba nitrate test. This will aid future test kit design and development to meet producer needs.

  • Scientific validation and increased awareness of the benefits of on-farm nitrate testing through academic publications and presentations. This will build further credibility.

  • Facilitated adoption of rapid nitrate testing as a routine forage management practice across Alberta cattle operations. This will mitigate cattle losses and the economic impacts of nitrate toxicity during drought events.

In summary, the key anticipated benefits are enabling producers to easily implement rapid nitrate testing by identifying suitable devices, providing training on use and interpretation, projecting economic incentives, and facilitating adoption through academic and industry outreach. This will ultimately help mitigate nitrate toxicity risks and cattle losses, benefiting both animal welfare and producer profitability.

To facilitate the adoption of this BMP, the project will also produce educational materials, including instructional videos, workshops, and presentations. These resources will be housed and disseminated in collaboration with key industry partners.

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