Completing e. coli projects in progress and capacity building in support of the beef industry in Alberta

Project Details

Status: Completed
Investment: $331,276
Commodity: Beef Cattle
Organization: University of Lethbridge
Investigator: Kim Stanford

This project enables the completion of existing e. coli projects.

Why is this research important for Alberta ag?

This work encompasses five in-progress e. coli research projects, transferred from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.

What benefits can producers expect from this research?

This project enables the completion of existing e. coli projects. This would also be the start of a thriving Beef Research Program at the University of Lethbridge, possibly attracting industry funding for new studies, training students, attracting both internal and external collaborators, and contributing to the sustainability of the Alberta beef industry. All segments of the Alberta beef industry would benefit.

How will these research findings reach producers on-farm?

Results will be presented at industry events such as the Canadian Meat Council annual meetings and BIFSCO. Results will also be presented at research events and annual meetings. Factsheets will be produced, and publications will be made in scientific journals.

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