combine in field

Press Releases

Researchers, producers, and industry come together to address farming challenges

Edmonton, Alberta — Alberta’s Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR), Alberta Beekeepers Commission and AGvisorPRO have agreed in principle to a pilot project to use the AGvisorPRO platform to assist in the dissemination of research results, for advice on deploying new information and implementing various technologies on-farm.

“RDAR’s commitment to supporting made in Alberta results-driven research will lead
to real, tangible benefits for crop and livestock producers across our province. Their
common-sense approach to setting research priorities will make Alberta’s agriculture
sector even more competitive and increase profitability for hardworking farmers and
ranchers.” — Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

Agriculture production, including beekeeping and pollination, face challenges and are
constantly looking for better methods to ensure sustainability and competitiveness in a global marketplace. Research will address many challenges and RDAR considers AGvisorPRO as an effective and efficient “SmartAG” technology to connect those seeking answers to those who have the expertise to answer those questions.

This year Alberta beekeepers continue to face many challenges including a shortened
flowering season due to drought, excessive heat, water quality issues, overwintering losses
and are now concerned about bee health going into winter. Accessing timely advice is
essential to ensuring Alberta continues to lead the country in honey production and
pollination of hybrid canola seed and blueberries.

“Connecting experts to producers via AGvisorPRO has the potential to accelerate
understanding and collaboration through the dissemination and sharing of knowledge
among the critical players in the food chain to create positive impacts on Alberta’s
honeybees and improve their health.” — Connie Phillips, Executive Director, Alberta Beekeepers Commission

AGvisorPRO, founded by successful agricultural entrepreneur Robert Saik, allows seekers
to connect with experts in real time via voice, chat or video on their smartphones.

“AGvisorPRO is an Alberta-born technology company working to solve a global
agriculture issue, that is, access by farmers to the right advice from the right trusted
experts at the right time. By leveraging technology, we can put experts in the field
without having to be physically present on the farm. I am thrilled by the opportunity to
help producers, including beekeepers, by collaborating with the likes of RDAR and
Alberta Beekeepers Commission to solve challenges farmers face in the field.” — Rob Saik, CEO and Co-Founder of AGvisorPRO

RDAR’s research priorities are determined by Alberta producers. The results of this relevant
research and the transfer of that knowledge to the farm will continue to keep Alberta’s
agriculture both profitable and sustainable.

“Drought and heat stress pressures issues have touched so many Alberta food producers, including beekeepers. Crop failure and water shortages are leaving bees starving and thirsty, which as a result, will impact Alberta’s honey industry. Beekeepers need urgent access to experts for the protection of their livestock. RDAR is proud to support the collaboration of the Alberta Beekeepers Commission and AGvisorPRO, delivering innovative technology solutions that will immediately benefit pollinators with access to timely information and, after that, help producers stay competitive and profitable as we build Alberta’s agriculture industry. Producer-led every step of the way, and in response to this year’s drought and heat stress challenges, RDAR developed Fast Call, our newest responsive funding initiative. Fast Call funded projects will put needed research knowledge and extension in the hands of producers more quickly than ever before.” — Dr. Mark Redmond, CEO, RDAR

To learn more about this and other RDAR research projects, please view our funded research.

About RDAR
RDAR is a not-for-profit organization that will continually consult with Alberta’s crop and livestock producers to set research priorities and distribute funds. Its mandate is: to support results driven agriculture research priorities and programs that will increase the competitiveness and profitability of Alberta’s agriculture industry. Arm’s length from the provincial government, RDAR is funded by two sources: The Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and Alberta’s Government through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership program.

About Alberta Beekeepers Commission
The Alberta Beekeepers Commission is a producer led organization representing 170
commercial beekeepers, honey producers and pollinators. ABC’s mission is to develop
and implement initiatives, and provide tools supporting Alberta beekeepers, which improve
the health of honeybee colonies, promote the quality of our products and services and
expand partnerships, markets, and opportunities. The Alberta Beekeepers Commission is
proud to be a founding member of RDAR.

About AGvisorPRO
AGvisorPRO is agriculture’s connectivity channel providing remote instantaneous
communication between farmers, experts, researchers, government and industry to provide
answers now. Expert Access connects “seekers” (farmers/producers) to industry experts.
Tech Direct partners connect farmers, producers and ag retail to company technical
representatives for free. AGvisorPRO is FREE to download on iOS, Android or Desktop. For
more information please visit

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